A Wealth of Information & Answers
"... (A coach) is not an advisor. He's not telling you what to do. It's more that you have capacity within yourself but you never touch these buttons. So he brings out your own capacity - or rather you discover your own capacity. You become an explorer of yourself..."
~ Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize, founded Grameen Bank specializes in Micro Loans.

Currently all Coach For Life programs are only offered in English.
Class registrants can begin actively coaching and practice building after completing the initial 4-day ICF-Accredited Coach Education Program
- this is the first week of the Life & Leadership Coach Program™.
Coach For Life's Basic Training begins with the advanced and life transformational Life & Leadership Coach Program. This program has no more than 18 participants. The Life & Leadership Coach Program™ earns you 60 hours of Coaching Education. Completion will run for three months.
A significant portion of the Life & Leadership Coach Program™ is dedicated to practicing and being comfortable to speak about coaching and claiming coaching as your profession.
- A major theme and experiential personal development in the Life & Leadership Coach Program is opening up to receive. This is vital in being ready to receive guidance, clients, money, acknowledgments and referrals that will easily and naturally build your coaching practice.
- We provide a series of 3 comprehensive Sample Session outlines that allow prospective clients to experience your coaching.
- 2 of the six (6) 2-hour Part II webinars are devoted to defining your ideal coaching client or affinity group. Who are they? What could they benefit from your coaching? How might you attract them? Design a customized marketing tool just for your affinity group.
- You will craft your own coach introduction that will describe who you are, what you offer and how it could benefit your affinity group coaching client.
We provide market data on coaching fees being paid for life coaching and executive coaching.
- Be curious.
- Feel thrilled when your client thrives.
- Know that your client is whole, complete and resourceful.
- Be willing to let your client learn and move forward in their time and at their pace.
Coaching will be filled with satisfaction, ease and fulfillment when the following are embraced:
- Do your own personal growth (So you will not get hooked by what your clients are going through)
- Let go of your own ego in having the best answer for your client (So you will not have to work hard nor have to be responsible for your client's life but allow your client to be empowered)
- Be invisible in the coaching relationship (You hold the space for your client to discover them self, this is not a relationship where you get to share your advice, expertise, or strategies for life)
Coaching is holding a space of total acceptance for your self and for your client as you facilitate the client's self-discovery and re-connection to their inner most truths about them self – their qualities, their gifts and their life purpose. The coach also facilitates the client with their conscious alignment with their inner most truths in their everyday decisions and actions.
The coach's role is to raise the level of consciousness of the client through questions that allow the client to choose what they want, what they are prepared to do and what they are prepared to commit to them self in the present moment.
The coach is charged with the responsibility of asking the client
- What new awareness or learning do you have now?
- How are you going to apply this new insight?
- What other part of your life could you apply this?
With tremendous ease!
In March of 1996, Coach For Life was invited to create a coaches training program and coaching model that integrated the practical tools of coaching with the infinitely resourceful power of Spirit. We honor and
- Present left brain (linear and logical) coaching tools and materials.
- Present right brain (intuitive and transformational) coaching methods and processes.
- Integrate Spiritual principles into every aspect of our coaching tools, model and learning environment.
- We are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience.
- The Fulfillment Coaching Model™ is based on every coaching client actually knowing who they really are – their most innate Core SELF.
- The focus is also on accessing the Divine Presence where our infinite resourcefulness is sourced.
- The learning-space focus and our coach approach is always on first exploring what's working, what’s good/positive/life-affirming. This builds the confidence of the learner and/or client. And then we explore what needs further attention, improvement and development.
The coaching results produced within the coaching client - and the ease in which the results are produced have proven since 1996 to out-distance the results of all the coaching tips or techniques combined!
Our Fulfillment Coaching Model™ is based on the deep belief that we can only experience meaningful fulfillment when we:
- Know our inner-most core values, life purpose and innate gifts.
- Live our life in alignment with our core values, life purpose and innate gifts.
- Celebrate ourselves for living in alignment with our core values, life purpose and innate gifts.
The unique Coach For Life learning environment is an educational breakthrough that transforms lives by only acknowledging what you did right. There is 100% positive reinforcement of the competencies actually demonstrated. There is 0% critique, criticism, comparing, or correcting. This learning environment has shown an acceleration of adult (and child) learning by a factor of 200% and more over the classical critique models of learning.
You will forever be transformed … having experienced … ease, safety and celebration!
The first-hand experience of this learning environment's power leads you to a level of awareness that allows you to create and hold the same trusting and empowering learning environment for your coaching clients.
The Inspired Learning Institute trains corporate trainers, teachers at all levels and parents the Inspired Learning Model™.
The Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Program™ - This ICF-accredited Level 2 is made of three parts.
- Part I - A 4-day 100% LIVE, Highly interactive, Experiential Online Training – 40 hours of coach training
- Part II - A six (6) 2-hour webinar series – 20 hours of coach training
- Part III – A 6-month Webinar Course - 65 hours of training/mentoring/testing
Parts I & II results in the Coach For Life Graduate designation, earning 60 hours of Coaching Education.
The Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Program™ - This full ICF- accredited Level 2 normally takes one year, resulting in the Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach - PCLC designation, earning a total of 125 hours of Coaching Education.
Full Program Details
- Parts I & II - Life & Leadership Coach Program™ - over the course of 3 months
- Part III - Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Webinar - 6 months
Over 5,000 people have graduated.
Graduates include a wide range of professionals, including Executives, Educators, Therapists, Health Care Professionals, Consultants, Military, Entrepreneurs, and Speakers.
The Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Program™
- Part I - is a 4-day 100% LIVE, Highly interactive, Experiential Online Training, following US Eastern Time. All have a small class size, with two certified coach facilitators.
- Part II – is a six (6) 2-hour Webinar, that includes the same Part I participants, with one certified facilitator.
- Part III - The 6-month certification program is conducted by webinar with a certified facilitator in a group of 6.
Yes, with ease and alignment, power and empowerment and with stunning and immediate results!
The Fulfillment Coaching Model™ offers principles, tools and processes that have proven highly effective in business, non-profit and educational organizations. The Model provides a confidence to coach the whole person – personal and professional. A recent graduate, a business owner himself, says, "Amazingly simple and incredibly powerful!"
Our Coach For Life graduates have used the Fulfillment Coaching Model™ since 1996 in business, public schools, governments environments without ever having to use spiritual words.
Our coach training is not affiliated with any church or religious tradition. We have graduates, however that come from many faiths and churches - including: Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Science of Mind, Unity as well as non-church-based faiths and belief systems.
Our Coach For Life graduates have universally found our spiritual model in great alignment with their core beliefs and faith. The spiritual foundation and some of the principles that The Fulfillment Coaching Model™ and learning environment is based on:
- We are all connected.
- Each person has direct access to God/Spirit (whatever each individual calls their perception of a Divine Presence).
- What you focus on expands.
- We are the primary initiator in creating our life experiences. (We have free-will to do this consciously or unconsciously.)
- Being a loving and accepting person facilitates peace, joy and clarity of purpose for our self and for everyone we touch.
A coach's fee structure is generally reflected in their experience and confidence as a coach.
- A 2-hour Foundation session: $250-$500, generally done in person to design and begin the coaching relationship.
- Life Coaching monthly fee: $200-600/mo. (for 2 hours of coaching)
- Executive Coaching monthly fee: $300-2,000/mo. (for 2 hours of coaching)
- Frequency: 2 to 4 sessions of 30 to 60 minutes per month.
- Payment: Paid in advance on the first of the month or contracted for a set number of coaching sessions over a designated period of time.
- Agreement Term: Generally 6 months or longer.
- Coaches are encouraged to utilize written agreements to provide the client with clarity of purpose and clarity of time and financial commitments that are being agreed to.