The Gold Standard - An all-inclusive 125-hour ICF ACTP Program - Meets all ICF Level 1 & Level 2 Requirements
Providing the ICF Global Gold Standard
- 100% aligned with ICF Core Competencies and Code of Ethics.
- 100% aligned with ICF Credentialing Paths:
- Level 1 to ACC-level Coaching Mastery
- Level 2 to PCC-level Coaching Mastery
- Level 3 to MCC-level Coaching Mastery.
Coach For Life Institute has been an ICF Fully Accredited Training Provider since 1999. More impressive is that this highest level of real-world credibility has been created by being guided by and living fully from a Spiritual perspective that honors all who chose to believe and honor their truth of a Higher Power. The cherry on top is to develop coaching skills that access that Higher Power within everyone – whether they are conscious of it or not – without having to ever refer to a Spiritual connotation. Welcome to living your individual sense of Spirit through your chosen coaching profession!
ALL further information on this webpage applies to Coach For Life’s Parts I, II & III-ACLC & PCLC courses & programs. Click here to learn about Level 3 – MCC-level Coaching Mastery.
All Coach For Life’s Levels of Coaching Mastery start with the Part I & II Foundational Coach Training. Part I & II is such a comprehensive, balanced coaches training that many new coaches have successfully launched successful coaching practices without further coaches certification training. So, you can register for the Part I & II as a standalone coaches training or you can register for either of the Coach For Life Certification Packages that bundles Part I & II with a Part III of your choosing (Associate (ACLC) or Professional (PCLC)). Read the details of this powerful and transformative Part I & II Foundational Coach Training here.
New coaches who want to pursue Associate or Professional Certification with Coach For Life or ACC or PCC Accreditation with ICF continue on to complete Parts III-ACLC or PCLC respectively. Those who wish to attain Master Certification or MCC Accreditation further complete Parts IV & V.
Upon completion of either Part III of either of Coach For Life’s Certification programs (ACLC or PCLC) you will be Certified by Coach For Life! That is, have a real-world certification that puts letters after your name from a highly regarded and well-known coaches training institute.
- By completing all your ACLC Program (Part I, II and ACLC – Part III) you will have earned the highly regarded Coach For Life Institute’s designation of: ACLC - Associate Certified Life & Leadership Coach™.
- By completing all your PCLC Program (Part I, II and PCLC – Part III) you will have earned the highly regarded Coach For Life Institute’s designation of: PCLC - Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach™.
Additionally, the ACLC & PCLC Certification Programs satisfy all the training hours, mentoring hours, and performance evaluation requirements that are required for securing the International Coaching Federation (ICF) credential at the ACC or PCC level respectively. Additionally, you will have to fulfill the required client coaching hours of 100 or 500 respectively for your ACC and PCC application. You will also take the ICF Credentialing Exam – online and proctored by ICF as part of your ICF credentialling application process.
Note: The ACC and PCC credential can only be awarded through the ICF. Prior to claiming or calling yourself an ACC or PCC credentialed coach you must apply to and be approved by the ICF to earn the right to claim an ICF ACC or PCC credential.
The great news is all training hours, mentoring hours, and performance evaluations requirements are met in one place without having to piece-meal your training credits together.Additionally, CFL stands committed to staying abreast of any changing requirements for ICF Credential paths. In fact, once Coach For Life Institute is approved for Level 1 & Level 2, you will be eligible for the new Level 1 or Level 2 Certificate to be issued by Coach For Life. (Coach For Life Institute is currently in the application process with the ICF.) Upon completion of either Part III-ACL or PCLC, you will confidently know that you coach at or above the ACC-level or PCC- level depending on which training program meets your needs.
As you are building your coaching hour experience towards the 100 and 500 hours in order to apply for the ICF ACC and PCC credentials, you can rightfully and proudly present yourself as a Coach for Life Certified Coach.
Equally important – if not more so – you will learn and effectively use simply elegant tools to allow Spirit to live and work through you while being certified via real-world criteria provided by well-know, highly esteemed training organizations.This is Coach For Life’s dedication to discovering, developing and celebrating the UNIQUE YOU! You will learn and integrate the professional coaching standards (the Science of Coaching). You will also be encouraged to integrate your unique style into your coaching (the Art of Coaching).
At CFL we know that there is a genius that lies within each of us. This genius goes far beyond what you know or do in this life. It is your very beingness that makes you who you are and defines the contribution you are here to make during your life. The tools you will learn to use with your clients that reveal their unique genius will also be used to hone your unique style and impact in your coaching.
Scroll down for Part I & II details.
Part III-ACLC click here
Part III-PCLC click here
We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open.
Shakti Gawain
Foundational Coach Training
Life & Leadership Coach Program (LCP) - Parts I & II
- Part I - the 4-day ICF Approved Coach Training Program
- Virtually 100% LIVE, Highly interactive, Experiential Online Training
- Part II - the 9-week Building Your Coaching Practice Webinar™
This program contains the educational hours a coach needs to become an ICF Credentialed Associate Certified Coach (ACC) as well as a Coach For Life & Leadership Certified Coach (ACLC). More importantly, the program holds the high level of focus and support needed for the new coach to gain the competence, confidence and structure to start coaching. Many of the raduates of the Life & Leadership Coach Program (LCP) begin their own coaching practice right away while many others simply integrate their coaching skill-set and coaching mind-set learned into their current profession and career.
Part I & II
10 weeks
60 hours
Each Part I & II Foundational Coach Training Program is open to a maximum of 18 participants. This means you are in a small and intimate group where in-depth sharing and learning can take place. Each participant is as dedicated to their personal development and spiritual path as you are to yours. It is an environment where all spiritual traditions are honored and no one tradition is held as the only way to be. Coach For Life utilizes certified, highly trained facilitators for all coach training & certification courses.
The PCLC program has been designed to make sure that your first week as a new coach is filled with all the information, forms, structure, experience and support you need to start coaching now. The following webinar weeks are focused on integrating and expanding all that you have learned during the first 5-day session. You also learn how to attract, market to, and enroll clients into your coaching practice. The built-in, real-life, peer-coaching relationships that continue over these months allow you to experience how a coaching relationship evolves and begins to mature.
ICF Accredited Coach Training Program
4 days
40 hours
PCLC Part I – ICF Approved Coach Training Program
During the 5-day 100% live, highly interactive, experiential coach training, you are totally immersed in the unique and honoring Inspired Learning Environment™ where you receive a week of coach training along with real-life practice sessions of coaching and being coached. No role-play coaching takes place during this program – only real-life coaching!
This is a great way to get started coaching. You receive all the core coaching skills, structures, coaching forms, philosophy and firsthand experience, as well as start the conversation of filling your coaching practice, all at one time. It’s a great jump-start to put your dream to become a professional coach into practice now!
Building Your Coaching Practice Webinar (webinar series)
9 weeks
20 hours
PCLC Part II – Building Your Coaching Practice Webinar
Now that you can see the larger picture and have all the pieces, the same group of participants continue into the next 9-week Building Your Coaching Practice Webinar. Coach For Life supports you in integrating these pieces into your real life. You will receive guidance to personalize your coaching practice and how to begin to consciously design how you choose to serve the world through the profession and philosophy of coaching. Throughout this course, you are provided with a peer-coach and a peer-client as well as the facilitated group training sessions.
Associate Coach Cetification
Associate Certified Life & Leadership Coach Program (ACLC) - Part III
- Part III - ACLC - the 3-month Associate Certified Life & Leadership Coach Webinar™
This is a 3-month webinar series that can be taken interwoven with Part II or taken as a standalone course when you are ready. This course also encourages "Endless Re-Igniting" so that you can "Re-Kindle" your Spiritual awareness and refresh your coaching skills. This is the "Anytime you forget how MAGNIFICENT you really are, come to a session on us so we can remind you!"
- Completed Part I - the 4-day ICF Approved Coach Training Program
- Enrolled in/Completed Part II - the 9-week Building Your Coaching Practice Webinar™
- Have at least one coaching client that has agree in writing to allow their coaching sessions to be recorded for your certification class. (Most easily attained during Part II by using your Part II Peer Coaching client.)
3 months
10 hours
- You are a Certified Coach
ACLC Coach For Life Certification - 100% LIVE, Highly interactive, Experiential Online Mentoring
- Mentored by ICF Trained PCC Assessors
- 7 Hours Group Mentoring
- Group Size - Min 3; Max 10
- "Endless Re-Igniting!" Come as you can for as long as you need
- 3 Hours One-on-One Mentoring
- Preparation for ICF Credentialing Exam
Upon ICF approval of Coach For Life as Level 1 you will additionally receive
- ICF Level 1 Certificate
- MCC administered Final ICF ACC Performance Evaluation
- PRICELESS less-stressful streamlined ICF ACC Credentialing Application
When successfully completed = Level 1 ACC ICF Credentialing Application Path which is currently
- $300 less expensive
- Shorter response time (4 wks versus 16-18 wks)
- No tape/transcript submission to ICF
Each ACLC Part III program has participants that have the same dedication as you do, to live in alignment with their most authentic self while achieving the professional designation of a Certified coach.
ACLC Program Logistics
Lead by an ICF -Trained PCC Assessor the group will meet once every 4 weeks in a 1.5-hour session with live coaching and mentor's feedback. This is a visually enhanced webinar that shares insights and inspires each participant to know their strengths and learn from each other as well as being mentored by an ICF -Trained PCC Assessor. The smaller group size contributes to the safety of the group sharing while forming bonds that have lasted a life time for past participants.
Participants then schedule and complete a private one-on-one mentoring session before their next group session. One-on-one sessions require the mentee to submit a recorded and transcribed 30 minute coaching session. During your one-on-one mentoring session the ICF-Trained PCC Assessor will go through line-by-line with you using the CFL ACLC Markers to expand and strengthen your coaching expertise. Three one-on-one sessions are required to complete the ACLC Program.
Finally your 3rd one-on-one recording, transcript and assessment will be submitted to an MCC for the Final Evaluation Process. This results in a Pass/Fail letter. (You can redo a "Fail" rating within 6 months for a $200 fee.)
This ACLC 3-month program is designed with the latest and most up-to-date ICF requirements. You will also benefit from the most advanced learning techniques and environment that creates ease, insights and joy during this 3-month journey towards your coach certification.
ICF Credentialing Application requirements included in ACLC Program for an applicant qualified to use an Level 1 ACC Application:
Level 1 certificate designating completion of all Level 1 requirements (upon successful completion)
1. 60-hours minimum Coach Specific Training Hours (The Part I, II & III-ACLC provides a total of 70 hours.)
2. 3 Audio recording sassessed by ICF-Trained PCC Assessor
3. Total of 10 hours of mentoring on your coaching skills (7 Group + 3 Individual sessions)
4. Final ICF Evaluation Process - completed by & includes feedback form MCC-Level coach
ICF additionally requires all ACC Credential Applicants:
1. Take the new ICF Credentialing Exam (CKA obsolete as of August 1, 2022)
2. Attest to coaching 8 clients minimum, 100 hours of coaching minimum (minimum of 75 hours paid)
3. Read and agree to abide by ICF Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct.
Most Advanced Adult Learning Environment
Unique structure facilitates easier & faster assimilation of skills
Used to re-ignite educators at Johns Hopkins University
Most Advanced Adult Learning Environment
This program is also based on the Inspired Learning Model and goes further into adding proven teaching methods that make your learning easier and faster. It is so effective that since instituting these techniques 100% of our participants have passed their official PCC-Marker Assessment. (Not a guarantee – just bragging rights!)
- A positive reinforcing feedback model – you not only receive the positive feedback from the ICF-Trained PCC Assessor Mentor you additionally receive the positive feedback from the other participants in the class. And that is only positive & strengthening feedback. The secret extra bonus is that means you will be expanding your listening and acknowledgment coaching skills as you listen to other coaches coach their clients as well to learn to look for what is working.
- Listening to real coaching sessions – You get to be the fly on the wall – a highly sought-after opportunity in the coaching profession. Within the group mentoring sessions each participant will be the coach as well as the client at least once. (More depending on the size of the group.) You will observe 3 up to 10 live coaching sessions. No more wondering what a coaching session actually sounds like. This aspect alone will exponentially accelerate your learning curve. And then to observe an ICF -Trained PCC Assessor support the participants utilizing their ICF -Trained PCC Assessor coaching skills – priceless!
- You are an active observer – You will be asked to listen for what you would like to acknowledge and celebrate while the other participants are coaching. This one learning technique alone will create so many benefits.
- Holds your attention throughout the class.
- Makes it is so much easier to stay engaged and learn
- Makes you an integral part of the learning for the other participants in the class
- Helps you identify styles and skills of other coaches that you would like to assimilate
- Do-Overs Allowed – one of the most beneficial unique learning tools is the post-learning do-overs that improve your coaching mastery, deepen your skills integration and elevate your coach confidence.
- 3 Written ACLC Marker Assessments completed to demonstrate your strengths, build your confidence and clarify areas to strengthen to set you on your direct course to complete certification.
- Written detailed feedback on all three areas of focus – ICF Competencies, ACLC Markers and The Fulfillment Coaching Model.
- Real-Time Mentoring In the moment real-time verbal feedback specific to a real coaching sessions. No role playing or hypothetical situations to be contrived.
- 10 Mentoring Sessions as required for an ACC ICF Credential are included in your tuition for the ACLC Part III program. The ICF -Trained PCC Assessor targets the areas of coaching most pertinent to the class as well as answers your questions LIVE.
Coach For Life Grad Community
Fueled by Excellence
Sparked by Spirit
Coach For Life Grad Community
The very nature of this program calls forth the most magnificent you as well as your class mates. At this Spiritual level of interaction there is a bonding and cross-fertilization of skills that you will be amazed at the expanded you. The positive environment breeds celebration, openness and vulnerability while building your confidence as a professional. So positive and life-changing that past participants have said “I don’t want this to end!” To which CFL has responded – “It doesn’t have to!” Endless Re-Igniting is born!!
But it doesn’t end there. Or at least it doesn’t have to – your choice. All Part I & II graduates are invited to join the Coach For Life Grad Community so if you haven’t joined yet, Register at the given link and get connected!
Professional Coach Certificaiton
Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Program (PCLC) - Part III
- Part III - the 6-month Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Webinar™
This is a 6-month webinar series, a celebration of Coaching Mastery. The prerequisites are
- Complete Part I - the 4-day ICF Approved Coach Training Program
- Complete Part II - the 9-week Building Your Coaching Practice Webinar™
- Have one to three coaching clients that agree in writing to allow their coaching sessions to be recorded for your certification class
6 months
65 hours
Each PCLC Part III program has a maximum of 6 participants that have the same dedication as you do, to live in alignment with their most authentic self while achieving the professional designation of a Certified coach.
Lead by an ICF -Trained PCC Assessor and/or a Master-Level Certified Coach the group will interact each week in a 2.5-hour session via a visually enhanced webinar that shares insights and inspires each participant to know their strengths and learn from each other as well as being mentored by an ICF -Trained PCC Assessor and/or a Master-Level Certified Coach. The smaller group size contributes to the safety of the group sharing while forming bonds that have lasted a life time for past participants.
This PCLC 6-month program is designed with the latest and most up-to-date ICF requirements. You will also benefit from the most advanced learning techniques and environment that creates ease, insights and joy during this 6-month journey towards your coach certification.
Included for you – This Part III Program completes the PCLC Program that has been fully accredited by the ICF as an ACTP Program. Parts I, II & III together has been designed in concert with the ICF ACTP Application requirements for ACC and PCC. The ACTP Applications for ACC and PCC recognizes several of the “Built-in” Program design elements and therefore do not need to be provided to the ICF separately. This results in an easier, faster and less expensive ACC and PCC application process verses the “Portfolio” or “ACSTH” ICF Credentialing Applications.
ICF Credentialing Application requirements included for an applicant qualified to use an ACC ACTP Application:
1. 60-hours minimum Coach Specific Training Hours – The Part I, II & III ACTP provides a total of 125 hours.
2. An Audio recording to be submitted for ICF assessment – Included
3. 10 hours of mentoring on your coaching skills – Included
4. Mentor’s name, credential, and time of mentoring – Not required with an ACTP completion
Additionally required by an ACC Applicant:
1. Take the CKA – Coach Knowledge Assessment – on-line
2. Attest to coaching 8 clients minimum, 100 hours of coaching minimum (minimum of 75 hours paid)
3. Read and agree to abide by ICF Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct.
ICF Credentialing Application requirements included for an applicant qualified to use a PCC ACTP Application:
1. 125-hours minimum Coach Specific Training Hours – Included.
2. Two recorded coaching sessions with transcripts to be submitted for ICF PCC Marker Assessment – Included
3. 10 hours of mentoring on your coaching skills – Included
4. Mentor’s name, credential, and time of mentoring – Not required with an ACTP completion
5. 6 observed coaching sessions with specific feedback on your coaching – Included
Additionally required by a PCC Applicant:
1. Take the CKA – Coach Knowledge Assessment – on-line (if not taken already for an ACC)
2. Attest to coaching 25 clients minimum, 500 hours of coaching minimum (minimum of 450 hours paid)
3. Read and agree to abide by ICF Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct.
Most Advanced Adult Learning Environment
Unique structure facilitates easier & faster assimilation of skills
Used to re-ignite educators at Johns Hopkins University
Most Advanced Adult Learning Environment
This program is also based on the Inspired Learning Model and goes further into adding proven teaching methods that make your learning easier and faster. It is so effective that since instituting these techniques 100% of our participants have passed their official PCC-Marker Assessment. (Not a guarantee – just bragging rights!)
- A positive reinforcing feedback model – you not only receive the positive feedback from the ICF -Trained PCC Assessor and/or the Master-Level Certified Coach Facilitator you additionally receive the positive feedback from the other participants in the class. And that is only positive feedback. The secret extra bonus is that means you will be expanding your listening and acknowledgment coaching skills as you listen to other coaches coach their clients as well to learn to look for what is working.
- Listening to real coaching sessions – You get to be the fly on the wall – a highly sought-after opportunity in the coaching profession. Each participant will present 7 recorded coaching sessions. No more wondering what a coaching session actually sounds like. This aspect alone will exponentially accelerate your learning curve. And then to observe an ICF -Trained PCC Assessor and/or a Master-Level Certified Coach support the participants utilizing their ICF -Trained PCC Assessor and/or their Master-Level Certified Coach-Level coaching skills – priceless!
- You are an active observer – You will be asked to listen for what you would like to acknowledge and celebrate while the other participants are coaching. This one learning technique alone will create so many benefits.
- Holds your attention throughout the class.
- Makes it is so much easier stay engaged and learn
- Makes you an integral part of the learning for the other participants in the class
- Helps you identify styles and skills of other coaches that you would like to assimilate
- Do-Overs Allowed – one of the most beneficial unique learning tools is the post-learning do-overs that improve your coaching mastery, deepen your skills integration and elevate your coach confidence.
- Additional PCC Marker Assessment completed mid-term to demonstrate your strengths, build your confidence and clarify areas to strengthen to set you on your direct course to complete certification.
- Written very specific detailed feedback on all three areas of focus – ICF Competencies, PCC Markers and The Fulfillment Coaching Model.
- Real-Time Mentoring In the moment real-time verbal feedback specific to a real coaching session just listened to. No role playing or hypothetical situations to be contrived.
- 10 Mentoring Sessions as required for an ICF Credential are included in your tuition for the Part III program. The ICF -Trained PCC Assessor and/or the Master-Level Certified Coach targets the areas of coaching most pertinent to the class as well as answers your questions LIVE.
Coach For Life Grad Community
Fueled by Excellence
Sparked by Spirit
Coach For Life Grad Community
The very nature of this program calls forth the most magnificent you as well as your class mates. At this Spiritual level of interaction there is a bonding and cross-fertilization of skills that you will be amazed at the expanded you. The positive environment breeds celebration, openness and vulnerability while building your confidence as a professional. So positive and life-changing that past participants have said “6 months have gone too fast! I am really going to miss this class.”
But it doesn’t end there. Or at least it doesn’t have to – your choice. All PCLC Part I & II graduates are invited to join the Coach For Life Grad Community so if you haven’t joined yet, Register at the given link and get connected!
As a PCLC Part III graduate, you now have additional benefits and opportunities. You can post a listing on the Coach For Life website under Hire A Coach. And you get lower cost (often FREE) admission to the Coach For Life Grad Café webinars that offer CCEUs.
What makes the Professional Certified Life & Leadership Coach Program (PCLC) so unique?
Coach For Life's curriculum has been designed to include what we have experienced as the most essential components that will support our participants in launching their new career as a coach and/or integrating coaching skills into their existing career.
Coach For Life’s Facilitators are
- All ICF -Trained PCC Assessors and/or Master-Level Certified Coaches
- Certified in Coach For Life's Fulfillment Coaching Model™
- Trained as an Inspired Learning Model Facilitator™
- Have established successful coaching practices

- A clear and proven coaching model since 1996 – The Fulfillment Coaching Model™
- A complete set of clearly articulated outlines, forms and examples – A 200+ page manual
- Fully 1/3rd of the class time is experiential – well developed exercises to integrate your learning of the competencies just covered
- An advanced adult learning environment – The Inspired Learning Model™ environment
- A holistic (body-mind-spirit) coaching approach to support your coaching client’s complete life
- LIVE, highly interactive, experiential, online Coach Training (first 5-day course)
- Small class sizes Part I and II = 18 max; Part III = 6 candidates in the certification cohort
How to Get Paying Clients
This is one of the most essential aspects of starting a coaching practice. Unique training techniques are initiated in the first week that ease you into a remarkably genuine offering of your services. Integration continues during the weekly webinar sessions strengthening the number one way of enrolling clients and expanding the numerous paths you may choose to a successful practice.
The cornerstone of Coach For Life’s unique coaching skills and processes is the Fulfillment Coaching Model™ that operates on the principle that we are always both seeking and being drawn to greater levels of fulfillment. One of the concepts offered within the Fulfillment Coaching Model™ is that we are all being called to our highest level of fulfillment through an innate knowingness of our own truth and gifts that we are here to share. This concept is the foundation that attracts the clients that are perfectly suited for you and your successful coaching practice.
Have Your Own Coach
Having your own personal peer-coach supports new coaches to create a successful coaching practice. So, Coach For Life provides you with your own peer-coach.
During the five-day webinar you receive over a month's worth of one-on-one coaching. And during the integration phase, Part II, of your training you have your own personal peer-coach to support you each week towards your own personalized creation of your coaching practice.
Having your own coach is an essential aspect of being able to present yourself to the world as a coach. The number-one way to enroll people into being coached is to be able to share the passion of your own personal insights and forward movement as facilitated by your coach. Without your personal experience, conviction and passion for what you have gained from having a professionally trained coach, there is very limited energy to share the benefits of hiring a coach.
The PCLC Part I & II program gives you the opportunity to get your own personal experience of being coached for two months. And there is no additional cost to you for this coaching. It is included in the price of the program.
Clients to Coach
Finding clients can be one of the most challenging aspects of becoming a coach. So, the Life & Leadership Coach Program is structured to provide a peer-client for you to coach during the first two months.
This can make a huge difference in new coaches' ability and willingness to put them self out to the world to serve as a coach. You see firsthand how much value there is to be received as a client from a coaching relationship and you get to experience the value YOUR coaching can deliver to someone else.
It is so important for a new coach to experience that they can provide that type of value to another by serving as their coach. You will be able to hear from your client what they are gaining from having you as their coach. Based on this feedback and fired up with that confidence, you can tell other people interested in hiring you as their coach what value they could find in working with you.
Coach For Life provides you with tremendous support in honing your coaching skills as well as developing your confidence to market yourself as a professional coach.

Sunil Radhakrishnan
Chairperson, Sumedha’s Academy
Chairperson, Sumedha’s Academy

Alice Gallwey
During MCLC one year program with my mentor Peter J. Reding I really went “Beyond” my expectations in building my coaching practice and fine tuning my coaching style. The 3 levels of coaching CFL Institute offers in terms of Self-Mastery, Coaching Mastery and Business Mastery are forming the perfect Tri-Angle for someone who is ready to extensively deep dive into personal and professional transformation. Peter’s brilliance, his natural humility added to the sacred space he is uniquely able to create, offer an alchemical mixture which opens the door for his client to create a great master piece. In 2018, my complete dedication into the art of coaching is crystallized into the Beyond Borders Career Coaching Model™ I gave birth to. I feel infinitely and deeply grateful to him for this unvaluable gift I was endowed to create. On my personal path toward excellence, I found with him the root and the daily nutrients to serve and honor others as a Beyond Borders Career Coach™".
Beyond Borders Career Coach
Beyond Borders Career Coach

Amrita Singh
My journey has culminated into the completion of my MCLC in November 2019, my experience has been a Divine one. I will always be grateful for the sacred space held, the freedom to explore and create my own model, while generously being supported by the wisdom, knowledge and honoring teaching style adopted by Peter and the design of the program.
The MCLC program has enabled and empowered me to share my spiritual understanding as a Back to Source Coach™ The MCLC program has also given me the direct experience of Oneness.
Founder & Holistic Coach & Trainer, Back to Source Coaching
Founder & Holistic Coach & Trainer, Back to Source Coaching

Reva K

Savitha Shivsankar
Country Head – HR, Novartis India
Country Head – HR, Novartis India

Doran W

Gaurav Taneja
National Director & Partner, Govt & Public Sector, Ernst & Young
National Director & Partner, Govt & Public Sector, Ernst & Young

Jean C

Daljit Singh
President, Fortis
President, Fortis

Hema P

Supria Danda
VP & Country Head, Western Digital
VP & Country Head, Western Digital

Lesleigh C

Krishnamoorthy Sundaresan
MD & CEO, Patni Healthcare Ltd
MD & CEO, Patni Healthcare Ltd

Michael K

Amit Vip

Joe R
I felt it coming through the phone when I was searching, and I experienced it when at this week. They are complete as separate beings and complete and amazing as a team. Wonderful tips on how to speak about coaching. I went from “closed” to “open.” If you want to learn coach guidelines and skills, there will be many great places for you to do that. BUT if you want to TRANSFORM your life AND be a great coach AND transform the lives of OTHERS then Coach For Life is aligned with you.

Amit Verma
Sr. Vice President, Reliance
Sr. Vice President, Reliance

Liz L

Rupesh Tripathi
Head HR, India, IHS Markit
Head HR, India, IHS Markit

Megan C
Peter as an Instructor – the best I could hope for! So happy I found him. This course was life changing for me personally and for being able to be an effective coach. I truly wish everyone in the world could take this program. It is life changing! It includes a tool box of tools to handle relationships, transitions, life and coaching.

Robert L

Duncan W

Destiny B

Dalya H

Demetria S

Jessie B

Kandice H

Candace M

Robert S

Lesa H

Marsena H
There are a lot of programs out there. Check them out and see what is right for you. My experience led me to CFL (Coach For Life) and I am so grateful that I made that choice for my-self. Coach For Life is beyond a training program. It is an invitation for complete and truthful transformation. No part of my life remains untouched by what I have learned, integrated, and now (and forevermore) will practice.

Maggie C S

Kelly M

Leonard E